Tag: Ovulation

Why Is My Ovulation Test Positive For 2 Days In a Row?
If you’re trying to conceive, understanding your most fertile days can feel like a high-stakes puzzle! So, when you see a positive ovulation test for two days in a row, it can be confusing—and maybe even a little stressful. You’re not alone; it’s actually pretty common, and there’s a reason for it. Let’s dive into why your ovulation test might be positive two days in a row and what it means for timing intercourse. How Do Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) Work? An ovulation predictor kit (OPK) works by detecting your body’s luteinizing hormone (LH) levels. Right before ovulation, the LH surge acts as your body’s signal that an egg is about to be released, usually within the next...

How Does The Cervix Change At Ovulation?
Just as each woman’s body is unique, so too are their signs of ovulation. The cervix is the passageway into your uterus, and you can feel it change throughout your cycle. Checking on these changes can help you determine where in your cycle you are. During different phases of your cycle, your cervix will behave differently. There are two main phases for the cervix – the infertile phase and the period where the cervix is approaching ovulation. Most women have a menstrual cycle of 28 days, but it is also reasonable to have anything from 21 to 35 days. Some women have irregular menstrual cycles, which can significantly affect their chances of conceiving. There are those who have more...

Mittelschmerz - Ovulation Pain and Cramping - OH! The Pain!
Most women are fully aware that their period can come with pain and cramping, but what about the cramping (mittelschmerz) that occurs during the middle of your cycle, around the time of ovulation? About 1 in 5 women will experience ovulation related cramping, mittelschmerz, about two weeks before their period is due to start. For most women, this condition is associated with a sharp pain that diminishes into a dull ache. Mittelschmerz - What It Means The word, mittelschmerz, is German in origin and literally means: Mittle = Middle or Medium Schmerz = Pain It is a very accurate description of what is going on for some women - pain in the middle of your menstrual...

How Do I Calculate When I Ovulate?
To get pregnant, you need to have sex at the right time during your cycle. You need to know when you will be ovulating so you can make sure the sperm will be there to meet the egg. Many women have a typical 28-day cycle, but not everyone does. Unfortunately, calculations based on this assumption could have you missing your fertile period if you are not part of the norm. You will need to calculate your cycle length. Calculating the Length Of Your Cycle You will need to keep track of when your period starts each month. Do not assume. Tracking the date for three or four months will give you the best estimate of when you ovulate. The length...

Ovulation Test Strips - How Do They Predict Ovulation?
If you are trying to get pregnant, you need to know when you will be ovulating. One of the easiest ways of figure out when you will be ovulating is to use ovulation test strips or OPKs (ovulation predictor kits), in trying to conceive speak. OPKs can help you pinpoint ovulation making it easier to plan when to have sex to get pregnant. What is Ovulation? Ovulation is when your ovaries release your egg into your reproductive system. One of two things will happen after you ovulate. You will either end up getting your period or, if you had sex at the right time, possibly getting pregnant. At the start of the menstrual cycle, your body starts producing follicle...

What is the LH Surge and Why Don't I Have One?
One of the things about trying to conceive is that there are several different ways you can detect your fertility. Ultimately, all of these techniques, from cervical mucus charting to tracking your Basal Body Temperature, are designed to help you know when exactly it is that you ovulate. One way to help detect whether you're ovulating is to watch for the LH Surge. What is LH or Luteinizing Hormone? The luteinizing hormone is excreted by your pituitary gland and is responsible for the release of your egg at ovulation. LH is always in your system but usually at low levels. What is an LH Surge There is a surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) when your body's estrogen level reaches a...

What Are The Chances Of A False Positive Ovulation Predictor Test If I Am Taking Clomid?
Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPK's) are an essential tool that many women, who are trying to conceive, choose to use to help determine when the best time for conception is. An OPK detects a surge in the Luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs when ovulation is about to take place. The pituitary gland releases LH, and the luteinizing hormone is always in the bloodstream in small amounts. Its job is to stimulate the ovaries into producing and releasing eggs. The LH indicates that ovulation will happen in about 24 to 36 hours. The day the LH surge is detected and the day after are the most likely time for conception to occur. Clomid is the trade name of the medication Clomiphene...

Is Bleeding or Spotting During Ovulation Normal? Should I Worry?
What happens if I bleed during ovulation? Is ovulation bleeding normal?

If I Missed My Period Does That Mean I Didn't Ovulate?
There are many reasons why you would miss a period. Your period should typically start 12 to 16 days after you have ovulated. Once ovulation has occurred, the status of the egg will determine whether you will get your period. If the egg is fertilized correctly and implanted, then there will be no bleeding although ovulation did occur. One of the most commonly asked questions amongst women who are trying to get pregnant is whether or not a missed period means that no ovulation has occurred. Ovulation is Complex The answer to the question above is a complex one as many factors could influence a missed period. According to MedicineNet, the term doctors’ use for women who do not begin menstruating...

What Are The Chances Of Getting Pregnant During Ovulation?
What is ovulation and what are the chances of getting pregnant during ovulation days.
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