Success Stories from Our Customers
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Through the years, we have had 100's of customers reach out to us with their stories of how the products they purchased made a difference in their lives. We love hearing them and think you will too!
My husband and I tried to have a baby for 5 years. I was getting upset since all I wanted was a little one. A friend of mine was talking to me about things I could do to help us out and that is when I found your website. We decided to order the ovulation test strips and FertilAid for Men. It only took a month or two and we found out we were pregnant. My husband and I were in shock since it took us so many years before this helped. The amount of information I found on this site and the products that helped us was amazing. I will recommend it, and have, to all my friends in need. Our daughter is now 15 months old and baby number 2 is on the way. (We think that the baby dust is still in our house since our second baby happened so quickly)
Where can I send reviews on the FertilAid products for men? It is a really good review My husband's sperm went from 0 to 20.9 m/ml in a little over a year using FertilAid and Count Boost (count boost was only added in the last 4 or so months). Now that there is sperm for the lab to finish the analysis... his motility is lacking so I ordered a 3 month supply of all 3 products! Will be rechecking in 3 months! Thank you Baby Hopes for providing the BEST prices! We also did a complete diet overhaul! All organic, completely gluten free (I have Celiacs so it just creates a safer environment for me anyways), completely unprocessed!
- Candice
Good morning,
We just wanted to send our most sincere thanks! We were trying to conceive with no luck for almost two years. After having tests run, we found that my husband's sperm count was extremely low and pregnancy was probably not possible naturally. We were devastated!! After searching and searching for something we could do to help boost his count, I found I read the Customer Testimonials and was pleasantly surprised to see so many wonderful success stories there were; so, I thought, let's try. I ordered FertileCM for myself and Countboost and MotilityBoost for my husband. After just two months, we were pregnant! I am now 23 weeks along with our first little girl and we can't thank your company enough for helping us to be blessed with this miracle.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Mike, Elizabeth, and baby Samantha
My husband and I have been TTC for over 5 years. Last year I decided to go to the doctor to have myself checked out. We discovered I had fibroids. My doctor suggested that I have surgery to remove the fibroids and to take Lupron for three months to reduce the size of the fibroids and then TTC after the process. We went through the process, waited to TTC a few months later. Started back TTC and still no luck. I have been praying and praying, in and out of faith, just really on the brink of giving up. A month ago, God directed me to website looking for natural ways to conceive. I tried FertilAid, FertileCM, FertiliTea and Pre Seed Lubricant for less than a month. I am sure it was the Grace of God and the vitamins, but my husband and I have just discovered we are PREGNANT!!!! We used the Generic Pregnancy Test strips to confirm pregnancy and we are scheduled on October 3rd to have blood tests to confirm indefinitely. Praise God for leading me to and Thank God for for making the products reasonably priced and readily available.
My husband and I had been trying to conceive for 2 ½ years. I was taking clomid to help with my ovulation and using your ovulation test strips. In those 2 ½ years we had two miscarriages. So we decided to have a semen analysis done. His test results came back with the morphology of his sperm being low but my doctor said we could have some luck with doing some inseminations. Well after 4 inseminations and no luck of getting pregnant my doctor told us that she would no longer do the inseminations and referred us to a fertility clinic. So we decided to have my husband's semen checked again and this time his morphology number was even lower! The fertility clinic said we could still have some luck doing the inseminations but my doctor wouldn't do anymore of them for us, she thought his numbers were too low and didn't want to waste our money or time. So we asked the fertility clinic if they suggested we try anything. They suggested we try fertilaid for men, so we thought we might as well and after taking fertile aid for men for 1 ½ months, we conceived on our own!! We are now 11 weeks pregnant and have been to the doctor's for an ultra sound and the baby is growing great! We are so excited! And we definitely recommend this product to those who are trying to conceive. It's like a miracle in a bottle!
My husband and I have two children. Both of them were results of IVF with ICSI. My husband had been diagnosed with a severely low sperm count. At one point he only had 4.... FOUR viable sperm. We were very blessed to be able to get pregnant through IVF. The doctors had even talked about us having donor sperm as a back up in case on the day of our IVF he didn't have any sperm in his sample. But, I was very much against that. So, after our 2nd son was born in april of 2014 we started talking about possibly having one more. We decided we would start trying in January of 2016... try for a year and then go for another IVF in January 2017. So, I did some research and found Count boost on this website. I had never heard of it before but, thought hey.... what can it hurt? So, we ordered a 3 month supply of Count boost with Fertil aid and he started taking it as soon as we got it the first part of January. Little did we know it would work so quickly. After years of trying and 2 IVF pregnancies and I very happy to say that I am pregnant with our 3rd baby due in October. I am beyond thrilled and am soooo happy we decided to try those products! thanks!
Amy B.
I had the IUD for about 3 years. Took it out in June of this year. Found out my uterus was swollen. Me and my husband were TTC with no luck. Was told by doctors will take up to a year to conceive was disappointing. So I found baby hopes products and with the ultimate conception pack, softcups and fertilaid for men and count boost, I'm happy to announce I'm about 4 weeks pregnant.
Thank you babyhopes..
Mrs. Rodriguez - Los Angeles,CA
My husband and I are proud parents of a baby boy named Gavin born in November thanks to your website and product, Pre-seed Lubricant.
My husband and I learned that he had a very low testosterone level at his young age of 25. I myself was age 38 and worried my eggs were getting "old". I have 3 beautiful children already from a previous marriage and still wanted to have a child with my husband. We had only been trying to conceive from July until we purchased your product in January. We felt like something wonderful was about to take place when our shipment arrived and we opened up the package with the "baby dust" inside as well. We giggled and held each other and had high "baby hopes"!!
In March I took a pregnancy test and it was immediately positive!!!! In calculating I must have conceived in February so it only took 1 month after using the Pre-seed. I am here to tell everyone IT WORKS!!
Thank you BABYHOPES.
Jenn M.
Thank you for your products and all you do. I am 12 weeks pregnant after using Pre-seed and ovulation testers from your site. I am now using an herbal tincture and ginger to help combat pregnancy symptoms. Thank you again.
My husband has been taking FertilAid for 4 months and CountBoost for about 1 1/2. He just got a semen analysis and to our surprise, everything came back normal. We are 100% sure that the good results are because of FertilAid and the Count Boost. Though we are not pregnant yet, I would like to say that this product really works.
My husband's total count was 27 mil and now it is : 109mil. Also his morphology was 3% and now it's : 7%.
Wonderful product! and I absolutely love buying it from Baby hopes.
Thank you!
I was so happy to find this site in order to get a little help TTC with my husband for baby#4. We looked to this site after having to terminate a pregnancy in last May due to medical issues. We wanted to TTC as soon as possible, but also sometime between August and October. I ordered a three month supply of FertilAid for Women in June. I took it at the recommended dose everyday as soon as it came in the mail. I am happy to report that after only a month and a half of taking this supplement and drinking the Pre-Conception Fertility Tea we are happily expecting baby #4 in May! I just found out yesterday! Thank you BabyHopes so much for providing the products you do!
It is my great pleasure to let you know that you have a great service and would recommend any of my friends who are hoping for babies. I find your website is very helpful to me. I ordered some pregnancy strips and preconception tea from you and 2 months later I got pregnant. We are expecting January 2018 baby!!! Thanks Your service is greatly appreciated.
Mrs. Kat R.
If you are having male infertility problems you must try Fertilaid! After a year of not getting pregnant we decided to get hubby checked out. Sure enough his sperm count came back 700,000 Thousand with extremely poor motility. Most were missing tails and misshaped. They gave us less then 1% chance of conceiving. After reading a ton of reviews on Fertilaid for Men, I decided we had nothing to lose. I put him on Fertilaid for men along with Count Boost. (We also cut back most alcohol.)
They are suppose to be on it for 3 months before results but we did a check after only a month. In one month of use we went from .7 million to 2.5million which was great. However after the 3rd month we went in for iui and his count was 112million!!! That is incredible!!!! They did multiple washes for the IUI to make sure to just get the best sperm possible and even that was 89 million. The doctors said they have never seen a count as high as his with such good looking and FAST sperm!!!
I owe it all to FerilAid & Count Boost. I will find out in 2weeks if I'm pregnant but everyone please try this product. It can't hurt!
My husband and I ordered a bottle of fertilaid for women and we didn't even get to finish taking it for a whole month when we found out we are pregnant! I am due August 6th of this year with a baby girl and we are more than happy. We already have a two year old son but after I had our son, it seemed impossible to get pregnant. We tried for a whole year. Then I found fertilaid and it worked great. I truly believe in this product. Good luck to everybody, you just have to have faith.
Mr. And Mrs. P
I just wanted to say thank you. My husband and I have been TTC for over a year with no luck. I have had multiple tests done from doctors with no results as to why I couldn't get pregnant. I ordered the Pre~Seed in March and I was also taking Fertility Blend for Women since January. I just got my BFP result 4 days ago and I know it was the Pre-Seed along with the Fertility Blend and the Lords Blessing. Thanks again.
I would like to thank you for the fast shipping and will keep you updated on the progress. Great Shipping and service, so glad the Fertilaid Capsules don't have a weird taste or foul odor! Happy baby Dancing to all!
Mr. and Mrs. M
My husband & I had decided we were ready for a baby! So I had done my homework & visited several websites that had "ovulation calendars," but for some reason, they were always off, & always failed to mention what days you were a little bit fertile, fertile, etc. After looking at your website & putting in my information, I looked at my fertility days & we crossed our fingers. The next month, we found out we were pregnant! I couldn't believe my eyes when we FINALLY got a positive pregnancy test! 2 weeks later, your ovulation calendar is how I broke the news to my best friend that she was pregnant - & I was right! She now has a beautiful baby girl & my husband & I now have a BEAUTIFUL little boy named Jacob! Thank you so much!! You really know what you're talking about! :)) We're maybe wanting to try for a second within the next year, & I will definitely be coming back to your website!!
-Sara B.
After 4 years of trying to conceive, I bought pre-seed, tea, & some other items. They didn't seem to work so about 6 months later I bought vitex. Started taking vitex in october, got a period December 15th & found out february 17th I am now pregnant. It has now been a little over 5 years since we started trying & I give a lot of thanks to vitex for helping us conceive. Definitely a blessing. Thx babyhopes for making our dreams come true. We will be welcoming a little miracle to our family in September. GOD BLESS YOU ALL & BABY DUST TO YOU!
First Email
My husband and I have been TTC for 4 months so at the end of January we bought your Pre-seed Lubricant. The first month we used it we got pregnant!!! We are expecting our first child in November, and we couldn't be happier!
Thank you so much for your product! And the baby dust worked! Passing it on to others who need it!
Second Email
I am truly thankful for this product. My friend recommended it to me and wow does it work! :) We couldn't be happier. Thank you so very much! If you need me to re-write it or anything let me know! I want others to know how amazing this product is! Also, I wanted to say thank you for making the shopping experience itself wonderful. I honestly felt like you cared about us personally not that we were just another purchase and for that I'm grateful.
I was just going through a drawer in the bathroom and came across one of your lovely magic dust packets; and then I just found 2 more in another place; so I realized that I owe a lot to you folks for your encouragement and positivity for folks like myself who've been TTC. After 2.5 years of TTC, I got pregnant naturally at the age of 41 and delivered a full term healthy baby at the age of 42!! I think I did use some of that preseed, but at that point, we'd given up on getting pregnant when BAM! and now I have a beautiful, healthy nearly 10 month old baby sitting here in the ergobaby carrier passed out soundly asleep!! You folks are fantastic.
thank you so very much!!
you guys are the best!!
with aloha from Amy & Baby Eliana
I can't believe it! I have Endometriosis with IC and Vulvodynia so sex is usually a little painful. I also suffer vaginal dryness and many lubes make me burn. I tried pre-seed lubricant and it helped so much. I barely felt the pain and I felt lubricated. It didn't even dry out. I usually have to stop to re-apply, but not tonight! I didn't burn that much after sex this time either. Thank God and Thank baby hopes for selling this great product! I have gained more hope now that I can fight this pain. And, maybe I will get to keep having this fun as my husband and I try for a little one!
Hi Baby Hopes!
I just wanted to send you a quick THANK YOU!! I have LOVED everything about your website & your services. My husband and I tried on our own to conceive with no luck so we decided to give Pre~Seed a try. The product came so quickly in the mail after ordering it which I really appreciated. I can't rave on about this product enough. The first month of trying to conceive with Pre~Seed was a SUCCESS!!! I'm now 6 weeks pregnant & still have my Baby Dust on my bedside table!
Thank you Baby Hopes I'm so happy the Universe helped me find your website!!
Angelica, Oceanside CA
I just want to say thank you for your website! I purchased the pregnancy tests and ovulation tests. I also used the online tools. I became pregnancy with my second on the FIRST try! I couldn't be happier with your website and service. I am expecting my second little boy and couldn't be more excited! I recommend your website to all my friends trying to conceive!
Danielle - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Fertile Aid CM
I don't know where I am supposed to submit reviews, so I hope that this gets to the right place :) I started taking Fertile CM one month ago tomorrow, and today is the first time in my life that I have ever had the "egg white" cervical fluid! I am so excited to see that it is working!!! Hopefully next time that I write you it will be to tell you that we are expecting a baby!! Thanks for this product! Rachael
Success Story
I would just like to let you guys know that after 6 years of trying to get pregnant, I finally succeeded twice!!! I had a very long list of things that I tried to do to get pregnant. My Dr. and I finally came up with a plan and it included pre seed. I bought some from you and used it and the first month walla i was pregnant. Unfortunately i lost that baby. The second month i did not use the pre seed and no luck no baby the next month i used pre seed everytime and I got pregnant again and this time everything was a success!!! I gave birth to a very health and happy little boy and i think that i have pre seed and you guys to thank for a little help in a long process. So thank you!!!
Dear BabyHopes!!
Your website is just so wonderful!! My husband and I have been trying for over two years to have another baby and we kept ending with miscarriages (3 of them in a row). We stumbled upon your site and took at long look at the ovulation calendar and thought 'why the heck not' as we didn't have anything more to lose!! May was a no good month as we found your site a little too lat for that month. We tried June with no luck but July, that was our lucky month!! We just found out on August 7th that we are 5 weeks pregnant! You are the first to know and thought that we should share are fantastic news with the ones who helped make it happen!!
Thank you so much!!!
The Prevedel's
I was buying ovulation kits and pregnancy tests from the local store, spending money $20 on ovulation strips that expired before I could use them all and $7 for 2 pregnancy tests....I am very happy with the prices of your test strips. I purchased the $15.99 package. I ordered it on Friday, chose the standard shipping and received the package the following Monday. I am very pleased with the speed of delivery. Thank you so much!! I am glad I found you.
Dear BabyHopes,
A friend of mine told me about PreSeed so I decided to get it. My husband and I had been trying for about 8 months then started to use this. I got my BFP but unfortunately had a m/c 3 months later. We have started to try again and we will definitely be using PreSeed. Plus my husband really likes it too. I have recommended this to several friends who are TTC. I just hope we get a BFP soon!!! Baby dust to all...
Thanks BabyHopes
I'm Pregnant
I just wanted to thank you for this website! I found out yesterday that I'm pregnant with my second child and I used your website to plan out my ovulation dates. Getting pregnant this time was A LOT easier and quicker thanks to your website! I know it's not typical to get pregnant so quickly but it only took 3 weeks! I will be recommending your website to anyone who wants to get pregnant!
Thanks again,
Pregnant Mama
Dear Babyhopes,
This email is long over due! My husband and I have been trying for over 3 years since we have gotten married. We had 2 IUIs and 2 IVFs and none of them worked. We decided to take a break. I ordered us one of the conception packages and within two months I got pregnant! I am currently 6 months along. I didn't believe it at first so I had to take 7 pregnancy tests (one each day until I got blood work done). ALL POSITIVE. I still can't believe it!! Thank goodness for the big belly to prove it. I have been telling all my friends who are trying just as hard to give this a try. I truly believe they will have a success story like we did.
Your website is very informative and customer service was excellent and very professional. Thank you VERY much!
Dear Babyhopes,
I am very new to your website, me and my husband have been trying to conceive and still no success. I cant wait to start using you guys techniques and products and wait for my turn out. I love this site vey much for my first time exploring it.
You guys site is so much better than the other sites I have explored and tried. I thank you very much for the better chance to conceive.
Dear Babyhopes,
I want to say THANK YOU! My husband and I had been trying for our 2nd baby for two years and nothing. I search the web to find information/advise on what to do and not do to increase my chances and I came across your page. After reading all the success stories, I figured let me try it. And to my surprise it worked on the 1st try! Coincidence or PreSeed I don't know, however I'm now 3 months pregnant and telling everyone about PreSeed. Thank you again!
Erika, NJ
I just wanted to say THANK YOU!...My boyfriend and i have been trying to have baby # 3 after a miscarriage I had last Dec. We tried for 3 months with nothing. So after reading the reviews on PreSeed I decided to try it out! ....I took a pregnancy today and it was Positive!! I am so happy an thrilled! Anyone thinking about using pre-seed I say go for it!!!
Thank you
Heather from NJ
It is amazing!!! My husband and I were trying for nine months. I was so frustrated we both had testing done, mine came back great and his semen analysis was bad. We went to a urologist and the doctor found a varicocele vein in his testicle that he thought might be causing the infertility. I had been thinking well we have nothing to lose to try the preseed so I ordered it and we tried it two days before my husbands surgery to fix the varicocele vein and it worked. My poor husband had the surgery, but it turns out that we just needed the preseed. Thank you so much for the information on this website.
FertilAid for Women
I wanted to say that FertilAid for Women is great! The first month I used it after 7 months of TTC I got a positive pregnancy test, however it turned out to be a chemical pregnancy but was still my first positive. The second month I used it, I got another positive and I'm currently 6 weeks pregnant! I have recommended to my other friends trying to conceive.
Dear Baby Hopes,
I initially came across your page when I started surfing the web to find tips and tricks to getting pregnant fast. Every month I kept coming back and reading your articles. By the way they were very helpful....for 8 months I kept navigating back to the page to get more answers to my questions of Why, and what am I doing wrong. Last month i decided to finally try the PreSeed. I've been hearing so much about. I waited to test first before buying it since it was already close to testing time again and Bam to my surprise April 15th a BFP!!! I am glad you offer a little bit of hope with your products because sometimes that's all you need to keep on going on this baby making Journey. Although I didn't get to try your products I thank you for all the helpful info. your page provides.
Dear Baby Hopes,
My husband and I have been trying to conceive since December. I was nervous because I had been on the birth control pill for many years and had read horror stories about women not being able to conceive when the came off of the pill. I initially became discouraged and wondered if I was one of those women. Then I found the Baby Hopes website. We decided to give it a try and purchase the Fertilaid for Women and the PreSeed lubricant. All I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH! After one month of using both the Fertil Aid for Women and the PreSeed lubricant my husband and I conceived! I would strongly recommend your website! Thank you for all that you do and baby dust to everyone!
My husband and I had been trying to conceive for over a year and I finally got pregnant. Eight weeks into my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with blighted ovum. We were devastated. We decided to try again, and I found your site, I read the reviews for Pre Seed and was very skeptical, but I purchased the Pre Seed and only used it once and I just found out yesterday that I am 4 weeks pregnant. Thank you so much!
Dear Babyhopes,
Trust you are well.
I used your website 's ovulation calendar on myself-worked PERFECTLY we are a few weeks pregnant and VERY EXCITED!!!
You have a wonderful website- Thank you so much for helping us and after just one try on your website!!
Hi :) I just wanted to let you know that this stuff really works! Not that I am pregnant yet; that would take a cosmic event. But I have been on this supplement (Fertile CM) for only a week and already I have a lot more and better quality CF.
I usually don't buy combination herbs or vitamins because of the "extra" ingredients, but the short list on this one definitely helps.
Also, I received my package three days after ordering - and I live in California!
Thank you so much for you products, just being out there. I have been TTC for ten years now and since I found you, you have been a god-send! You have the products I always wanted but never knew where to find. Thanks for the great service as well :)
First of let me state that I am the biggest skeptic ever. I shake my head at infomercials and rarely purchase new products unless someone recommends it first,so when I saw the suggestions on other websites for pre-seed. I was my usual skeptical self.However this time I said what the heck I will try it because after six months of ttc I was a desperate woman. Four months later my fiance and I got the miracle we were waiting for and it was all thanks to your product! So I just HAD to say thank you and tell people that this is a great product and worth every penny!!!
Your website is so wonderful with the ovulation calendar and all the other products!!! The package came and I placed the baby dust under my bed right away and then took a pregnancy test! It's result: positive! We have our first ultrasound in 4 wks! I will save the ovulation tests for the next time as they do not expire for another year+ ! Thank you again
A friend of mine at work told me about your website because she knew I was having trouble getting pregnant. She used your ovulation calculator as did 2 other coworkers and they became pregnant... I figured I had nothing to lose so I gave it a try. After 8 years and a miscarriage I'm happy to say it worked! My son is almost a year old and attribute his conception to your site! Thank you very much... I tell everyone about your website and wish you continued success.
After four months of trying with no luck, I made my first purchase from Baby Hopes last month. We used the Pre-Seed lubricant (as well as Pre when I wasn't ovulating--and we love it) and I just got my first positive home pregnancy test! I really do believe that your product made the difference and will be sharing your site with many of my friends. Thanks again and the baby dust was a great touch to the packaging.
Lauren T.
My husband and I have been trying to conceive #1 for 6 months now after we had a miscarriage last summer. I was getting frustrated because previously we got pregnant on our first try. This month I ordered your OPK's and preseed. A couple weeks ago my husband broke his arm and making love was pretty much out of the picture. I took the OPK anyway and we did manage to get 2 rather unromantic (haha) sessions in. I used the preseed both times as well. I just woke up and got my BFP!!! Thank you so much. I thought for sure we would be out for another month. I am going to recommend these products to everyone I know trying to get pregnant.
Hello...I received fertility aid and fertileCM in November and took the pills every day as I was suppose. I had a period in December and kept trying to conceive with my husband. New years came and I was constipated so I went to the hospital and what do you know....I was 4weeks pregnant. It only took a little over a month to finally get pregnant. I'm so excited and am now 7 weeks pregnant with my first child...thank you so much for allowing me to use this product!! I'm now just praying for a healthy baby.
My husband and I were trying to conceive baby #2 for 18 months. I was on my third round of Clomid and someone recommended that I try Preseed. I had never heard of it before. So I went here and bought it.
We used it last month and yesterday I got a BFP!!! I took three tests to confirm and they are all positive.
Thank you Preseed!!!
Subject: THANK YOU!
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a year. We were using a natural lubricant until we found out that the lubricant can actually harm the sperm and prevent pregnancy. So we tried one month without any, but felt that using a personal lubricant enhanced the experience for us. So, after reading all the amazing reviews about Pre-Seed, I just had to get it.
I was a bit skeptical about just how fast it would work. I kept reading testimonies of women who got pregnant the first month. It seemed too good to be true. Well, the first month came and went, still no baby. BUT, the second month came and sure enough- pregnant! My husband and I are thrilled! I'm so thankful that there's a lubricant out there that is fertility friendly, and I'm so thankful that you make it so easy to purchase. Thank you!
When I hit my 34 birthday, I thought, okay, maybe now it's the time to start trying. We have been married for four years and have relocated to 2 different continents and finally thought we're ready.
So I was searching online about getting pregnant and came across your website. It was so user friendly and informative that I kept coming back to it, even after checking out other sites.
After 1 month of 'random' trying (didn't get my ovulation dates right) we decided to buy Pre-seed and the ovulation test strips. I just found out today that I'm 7 weeks pregnant! Meaning that we got pregnant the month we started using your products and got the magical baby dust!
Thank you for doing such great work and being so positive!
I want to thank everyone at for helping me get pregnant. I had been trying for almost 2 years. I started taking fertility blend and after 2 months I became pregnant. I am 42 years old and thought I wasn't going to be able to get pregnant. So all I needed was some fertility blend and some faith in my self. I still keep my baby sprinkles in my purse for good luck.
Thank you so much.
Yan Family
I just wanted to say that I am thankful for your business, because I was able to use your ovulation test strips and became pregnant that same month. Your product was sent to me immediately and was very nicely packaged, discreetly and professionally. We are due in July. Thanks again! - Rachel G.
I just wanted to write and say that after trying for roughly 5 months I was beginning to feel discouraged. I am almost 35 and was beginning to lose hope. When I read about the PreSeed, I was intrigued. I had no idea my husband and I were inhibiting our chances of conceiving by using no lubricant at all or worse using spit. I bought the PreSeed and used it for two months.... we just found out over Christmas that we are in our fifth week!!!
This was my 6th cycle TTC, and the first cycle I used the PreSeed. I bought from you as well as the BBT and OPKs and HPTs... I am 10dpo and got a strong BFP this am! Thanks so much for the baby dust. I kept it under the pillow and it worked!
I usually look on your site everyday, playing with the "o" calendar, reading success stories to boost my hope, ordering PreSeed...4 days ago I got my own BFP!!! After TTC for 5 months we tried Preseed and BOOM, 1 month later BFP! It works!!!
Thank you for helping me realize this dream! Your website is such an encouragement to women in this situation!
Ladies remember, prayer can do anything God can do. With prayer all things are possible...and a little preseed helps too!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Our family is overjoyed to find that we are expecting. It took less than three months with the help of your ovulation test strips!!!
Amanda from CA
Subject: Thanks!
I just wanted to let you know that I used pre-seed when trying to conceive this month and just got a positive pregnancy test - I can't believe it! First try! It was either the pre-seed, or the baby dust that came with it... Thank you so much!
Subject: First time charm!
I just wanted to thank you for all the information about Pre-Seed! We purchased it after struggling to get pregnant for over a year. I purchased it last month and I just found out yesterday that I'm pregnant! I couldn't be more impressed and I am recommending this product to other friends who are having trouble conceiving! Thanks for your encouragement and support! I will be passing my bag of Baby Dust on to someone else. THANK YOU!!!
Jennifer W.
You guys are so nice hoping I wont be a customer for long! I have never been so completely happy with a company before. I will get all my PreSeed from here from now on! I remembered who you were because of the baby dust. It was so nice to get that in the mail last time I ordered. You should keep doing that, I cant tell you how nice it is to know that a company cares.
Sara E.
Subject: Thanks!!
I just wanted to say how wonderful the ovulation test strips are! I have a daughter and once she turned two (which was earlier this month) we decided we'd start trying for baby #2. I used the ovulation test strips and I just found out yesterday we're expecting our second little one in July! We couldn't be more thrilled! Thanks!
Subject: Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 3 months, which I know isn't a long time at all, but when you're ready you want it to happen as soon as possible! I had just come off the pill and my periods were not what I remembered them to be. Good bye 28 day cycle. So when was I ovulating?? I purchased the babyhopes ovulation test strips last month along with Pre Seed, because of all the positive reviews I had read. Some of the reviews seemed too good to be true no matter how much you want to believe them. So many people claiming to have gotten pregnant on their first try with both of these products. Well, I am happy to say that I too am one of those people. I took a pregnancy test on Sunday and I to my surprise, it was positive. I actually thought that I might be imagining the second line, so I called my mom over to come take a look, as my husband was at work. Sure enough, the second line was there. My husband and I are both so excited and we truly believe that babyhopes played a huge role in making our dreams come true. Thank you again, and I have already started recommending you to my friends who are trying to conceive! I will definitely be back when it's time for baby number 2!
Melissa D.
Subject: Trying to conceive
I would just like to say your website is the most informative, reliable and less expensive site I have ever seen. You really give people hope and it puts a smile on my face everytime I visit your page. I would like to say my orders have been prompt and the service is great. Although I have yet to conceive I will keep on trying. Thank you baby hopes. I hope the next time I write will be to say I'M PREGNANT. You give me hope.
Subject: 1st time's the charm
Thank you !! I ordered Pre-seed and your ovulation/pregnany test combo kit in early Aug and first time trying - I am now 5 weeks pregnant. Your products are FANTASTIC!!! Thank you for offering low cost products that really work. I hope to be visiting you again soon.
Dear Vickie,
I just wanted to drop you a line and say thank you, and that your letter really made me smile. I know it was just a receipt, but the letter just made me smile. I will be letting all of my friends know about your wonderful site. Again thank you for making my day!
Stephanie C.
Subject: success!
Thank you for your free use of the ovulation calendar. I began using it as soon as I quit birth control 2 months ago. I am already pregnant thanks to the helpful hints from your blogs and calendar. Just wanted to say thank you!
~Kim K.
This is my first (hopefully only!) order with you and I'm so impressed! First, the order came extraordinarily soon (even though we live in NC, I was still pleasantly surprised!) and I just thought the invoice was so sweet and thoughtful. So, thanks!
Well, our FIRST time using pre-seed, we had success! Not only does it make baby making more enjoyable it helps make baby! We had been trying for 23 unsuccessful months and discouragement was setting in. Thank you very much for the baby magic and pre-seed. Your website alone provided alot of support! Best wishes!!
This letter is way overdue! Your product really works! After having an ectopic pregnancy and surgery that left me with one tube, I was very skeptical about getting pregnant fast! With your low costs, I was able to purchase more ovulation strips and really stay on top of my cycle. It worked twice, both times within a couple of months of trying! We now have two adorable little girls, ages 2 and almost 1! Thank you for a great product at great prices! p.s. the little "good luck" dust helps, too!
I just wanted to tell you how much I love your product, Fertilitea. I have gone through only one full month, but I already see a big difference through my cycle.. I have not cramped, the flow is a lot lighter and my luteal phase is actually better now giving me 13 days instead of 11. I ovulated earlier this month. My libido is even healthier.Hubby loves it for that reason. I have ordered my second month and am looking forward to receiving it,I have even recommended it to friends, including how good it tastes. Thanks again for a wonderful product, and for helping me restore my reproductive health naturally.
Five Star Quality!!!
Even though my test was negative I wanted to thank you for the baby dust
and for being so positive about pregnancy testing. Hopefully with some good
luck and the grace of God my tests will someday be positive. You are
surprisingly a very approachable and compassionate internet sales company.
Thanks, Megan
This was the first website I clicked on to find out about pain during ovulation and everything that was said was very helpful and easy to understand and for that I am VERY HAPPY thank-you
Subject: FINALLY!!!!
I just wanted to let you guys know that after trying for a year and a half, reading on your website, and lots of praying...I am FINALLY pregnant!!!!! Thank you for all of the tips!
Jessica K.
It Works
Ok so I have told about 5 people about your site, out of the 5, 3 couples have been very successful, including myself. I just found out that I am pregnant.
I used the ovulation predictor test so that we can hit the mark right away. It
worked the first try. I used the Ovulation Calendar, along with being aware what signs to look for with your body, and now my baby is due 8/15/17.
This company is great and I know that everything they sell works! I highly recommend this site and their products.
I just wanted to say thank you. I ordered the pre-seed, ovulation test strips and pregnancy tests about a year and a half ago. I have irregular periods and couldn't pinpoint when I was most fertile. I was pregnant in two months with your products. I am a very very happy customer. We are now trying for baby #2.
I was wondering if you have a banner or link that I could add to my website? I would love to tell the whole world about your superb service and products.
Thanks again.
-Hilary N.
i just wanted to thank you for your amazing products! we tried to conceive for 3 months with no success. i found your website and bought the ultimate conception pack and the conception curve pillow and fertilaid for men... in hindsight i may have gone a little overboard... but it worked!!! i just found out yesterday that i am pregnant and due in july! we are so thrilled...
lotus s.
Just wanted to say...Thank You, for the great service. I placed my order on 10/19 and received it today, the 21st. Hopefully this will be the only test I'll need, but if not, I know where to buy the next one from -- you!
Another satisfied customer
Thank you so much! This is baby #4! You guys always surpass my expectations on customer service! I wish everyone I dealt with was like your company.
I am always recommending your website to others who want pregnancy tests.
Thanks again,
Terra :)
I just wanted to send an email back to you and let you know that I was so surprised to see that my order was here Saturday 1 1/2 days later. I ordered this on Thursday and asked for it to be sent as soon as possible. I never expected for it to come so quickly. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am completely satisfied with my product as well as the service that I received from you. I would recommend you to anyone and everyone. Thanks again.
Michelle (A customer located in NC)
I just want to say that I'm very pleased with your prompt service. I placed my order and got it 3 days later. I live in California and assumed it would take much longer to reach me. I will definitely order from you again and also recommend you to friends, family, etc. Keep up the good work!
Thank you Vickie -
Just wanted to let you know that this is the 2nd time I've ordered from and I'm sure this experience will be just a good as the first. I appreciate the confirmation e-mails!! When I ordered the first product it arrived to me within 2 days! Thanks again and keep up all the good work --- its always refreshing to have such a nice experience from purchasing online!
Thanks Again,
I just wanted to say your Pre-Seed and ovulation chart are Awesome. Both times I used them and the other advice I got from your site, I conceived!!!!
I just wanted to send my praise and say Thank you for such A helpful site!!!!
I just wanted to say thank you. I couldn't believe how fast I got what I ordered. Thank you also for the baby dust, it made us smile through a hard time of trying to have a baby. Thanks again, If I need more supplies, I'll definetly come to you guys.
Kriston J
Thank you so much! it is always a pleasure dealing with you! and i know your pregnancy tests are VERY accurate!! You were the first to let me know about my little boy who just turned 1!!! My Dr. said these are the best tests for consumer purchase! thank you
Thanks for your excellent timely service and products. My wife and I used your ovulation detection strips, pre-seed and Aimstick hcg detection strips.
We had been trying for one year and nothing until we came upon your site. Your products and helpful advice worked! Within one month of using the Pre-Seed and ovulation strips, my wife became pregnant! The Aimstick hcg strips worked as advertised. After 7 days of possible conception, to our delight, we saw the two stripes!
Thanks again and we never could have done it without you!
Just wanted let you guys know that it was great doing business, fast delivery, great customer service... will tell all :)
I bought a couple of tests from you a few months back and wanted to tell you Thank you, I think the Baby Dust worked. I am due with baby #3 this October. It really helped to find out a little sooner, I was so anxious I could hardly stand it. My 6 year old daughter told me the results, it was a very special moment. Thanks again, the Baby Dust was a wonderful touch. I will definitely come to you if I need tests again, and I refer you to everyone!!!!!
Angela L
I want to thank you for the quick shipment on my pre-seed order. I placed the order late on Thursday and received at my home on Saturday. I couldn't believe it. Friends of mine told me about the pre-seed product and I was so excited to try it for myself this month. Thank you for getting it to me so quickly.
The bag of baby dust is a nice touch too.
Cait D
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your customer service. I received my order very quickly and I so enjoyed the personal touch included in the shipment--thanks for the babydust! I appreciate your well-wishes for pregnancy. I would definitely order from you again, but I hope I don't have to! Thank you very much for your service!
I just wanted to thank you for the excellent customer service LIKE ALWAYS!! I am soooo happy I found this website .
Angela S.
Dear BabyHopes, Dear Ladies,
I couldn't help but share my wonderful experience with you.
My husband & I really wanted to have our first baby by the end of the year for practical reasons (moving next year...) and decided to try seriously in February & March. My husband is constantly traveling around the country for his job. As we didn't have much time to try to concretize our wish (my cycles being very irregular on the top of all the uncertainties), I decided to use some ovulation tests.
I have purchased your LH Ovulation Predictor Kit - Strip Format in January (first time I ever bought ovulation tests) and started using them in the beginning of February. This was my first try and my last... I had confirmation today that I am pregnant! My husband (who is out of town at this time) couldn't believe I got pregnant so easily until the doctor called today with the blood results.
Thank you so much for your reliable products and remarkable service. Thank you to be a company that cares and matters.
Ladies, keep your baby dust under your pillow and believe!
I received the replacement tests and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your customer service and your standing by your products. I have recently had some disappointments in products I have bought with other companies and the subsequent customer service I have received. I feel that it is very important to treat customers right in order to keep them and in the long run your business will thrive. I want you to know that I will continue to make purchases through your company and that I will recommend your services to people I know.
Thank you so much-
Stefanie N., pleased customer
My package arrived on Friday ...much sooner than I expected. Thank you for the good luck "Baby Dust"! You guys are so sweet and are awesome to do business with!!
Thank you again,
Just wanted to let you know that I ordered OPKs from you in December and I was so worried because we had a HUGE snow storm while the tests were in transit and was afraid that they "wouldn't get here in time." Well, they did and they worked and I am pregnant.
Thanks for having such great tests at low prices!!! The AIMstick pregnancy test worked so early too!!
I just wanted to say thanks for your quick delivery and low prices. Your prices on the aimstick tests are lower than any site I have seen. And your baby dust almost made me cry! I'm recommending you to all my TTC friends. I'm so glad I don't have to waste $$$ on store brand pregnancy tests anymore.
I received our package today and I was touched by your Wishes. It was very thoughtful of you and your colleagues.
After being unsuccessful to start a family for nearly 4 1/2 years, we truly appreciate positive thoughts.
Keep up the good work
Warm Regards
I just wanted to let you know I received my order and how thoughtful I it was that you sent the "baby dust". It was a nice, special touch - one you didn't have to do. My husband and I have been trying for a while now to have a baby and no luck yet...the "baby dust" gave me hope and meant so much. Thank you!!!
Angela W.
I want to quickly thank you for your quick response and quick shipment of my order. I appreciate the way in which you do business. I will gladly share my positive experience with your business and website to lots of friends and family members. Thanks!
Jennifer G.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!
After using your LH strips for the second cycle (after 3 previous months of trying)we finally did it!! And we confirmed it with the aim sticks which told us much sooner than the drug store brands.
Your site is fantastic and you offer great service and value. I always recommend it on all the TTC boards on line. I love that you send out baby dust with each purchase--very sweet!
Thanks again-
I am a practicing OB/GYN in Minneapolis, MN and I just wanted you to know that I have sent many patients to your website for the low cost ovulation predictor kits. I think it's a great product. Thank you.
Dr. Schmidt
I just wanted to thank you so much for offering such a high quality ovulation predictor strip. Last month I used Answer brand dip strips and the results were very light and hard to read. I had paid over $20 for 20 strips and was not at all satisfied with them. Your company's strips were bolder, developed quicker, and were an all around better product, not to mention that I got 25 opt's and 10 hpt's for less than what I paid for those inferior tests. has another satisfied customer!
We conceived our 2 lovely girls with your LH tests (and confirmed each pregnancy with your pregnancy tests.) Your tests are reasonably priced and easy to use. I've recommended your product to all my friends who are trying to have a baby.
Julie P.
I just wanted to take the time to tell you how pleased I am with your company and the products you offer. I have placed several orders over the past few years and have had 110% satisfaction! Your prices are low and your ovulation tests are so easy and convenient...I did purchase some in a store a few months ago and they were so complicated to read but, the tests that you offer are very easy to read and were a fraction of the cost! My favorite service that you offer is Free and Fast shipping along with wonderful products, keep up the good work...I have referred your site to many friends!
Thanks! Dana - Comments via Email
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About us is a family owned and operated business, opened in January 2001. We have been serving the trying to conceive community for over 20 years.