Why Is My Ovulation Test Positive For 2 Days In a Row?

Why Is My Ovulation Test Positive For 2 Days In a Row?


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Identifying when you are most fertile is essential for timing intercourse for getting pregnant. Many women become stressed when trying to determine their most fertile days. The stress increases when they get a positive ovulation test 2 days in a row.  

They become worried that if they do not time intercourse just right, their chances of getting pregnant are small. While this is true, there are ways to track your fertility to better time having sex.

One of those ways is to use an ovulation predictor kit or test, often referred to as an OPK.


How an OPK Works

 An ovulation test works by identifying the increased presence of the luteinizing hormone (LH) in your body. Although this luteinizing hormone is always present in your urine, it increases 24 to 48 hours right before ovulation occurs.

In fact, according to the American Pregnancy Association, the luteinizing hormone triggers the release of the egg from your ovary, and ovulation tests can detect the LH surge with 99% accuracy. 


When to Start Testing

 Although most ovulation tests can be used at any time of the day, there are very sensitive ones that require you to test with your first morning urine. Typically, you should test after 10 am so the LH surge can reach your urine.

Be sure to read the instructions on your OPK carefully. Regardless, it is best to test at the same time every day and make sure that you have not had anything to drink for at least four hours beforehand. 


What About Getting A Positive Ovulation Test 2 days in a Row?

You should not be too concerned if you have been taking an ovulation test for a few days straight, and they have all been positive for each of those days. It would be best if you only relied on the first positive test because that test showed the start of the LH surge. 

Once the ovulation test tests positive for the LH surge, it will continue to test positive throughout the surge. One true positive is all you need to know is that you will be ovulating within 24 to 48 hours. If your surge is two days long, you will have a positive ovulation test for two days in a row. After that first positive test, you can stop testing.

One caveat here, make sure that you are reading the test correctly. A positive result is when the test line is as dark or darker than the control line. If you are not sure, then test again in a few hours. Ideally, test at 10 am and 8 pm each day. 


Use Additional Ovulation Prediction Methods to Double-Check

A woman might have increased LH in her body before she actually surges in some situations, and an OPK may notice this and display a positive result. Double-check the results by charting your basal body temperature and checking your cervical mucus.

By tracking your fertility and menstrual cycle every month, you will better understand how amazing your body is. Tracking will help you determine your fertile phase and know what nuances are unique to you. By paying attention to your cycles, you will be better in control of your fertility.


When Do You Ovulate after the LH Surge?

The LH surge signals that ovulation will occur at some point within the next twelve to forty-eight hours. The timeframe is considerable because every woman's system is different. Some women ovulate the same day as the LH surge, and some ovulate two days after the surge. 

You should have sex as soon as possible to increase your chances of getting pregnant this cycle. Ideally, the LH surge will occur each month. There are cases when it is delayed or missing. Stress or medical conditions can cause ovulation not to occur regularly. If you do not ovulate regularly, you should talk to your doctor to figure out what is happening with your system.


How Long am I Fertile After a Positive Ovulation Test?

After you ovulate and the egg is released from your ovary, you are fertile for about 24 hours. Sperm has a longer lifespan. It can survive up to 5 days in the woman's reproductive tract for up to 5 days. You can increase your chances of getting pregnant by having sex frequently in the time frame before you ovulate through to ovulation. This will ensure there are sperm available to fertilize the egg after it is released.

When you combine the sperm life span and the day of ovulation, you are fertile about six days each month. Having sex during this timespan will improve your chances of getting pregnant.

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