Cervix Position in Early Pregnancy - Reliable Indicator of Pregnancy?

Cervix Position and Menstruation
The position of your cervix will change through your monthly cycle and its position and cervical mucus consistency can determine your fertility. During menstruation, your cervix will descend to a low level.
You can feel the firmness of your cervix is by inserting your middle finger into your vagina. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before you do this! During menstruation, your cervix should feel firm – like the tip of your nose. It will also be slightly open to allow the menstrual blood out.
Cervix Position and Ovulation
During ovulation, your cervix will rise, and its texture will be softer – like to your lips. You might have a more difficult time reaching it around ovulation. Your cervix will also be open to allow sperm in and will be moister than before. You should notice slippery cervical mucus around this time.
Your cervix will dip lower and become firmer again after you have ovulated. The cervix opening will close. The amount of time it takes for the cervix makes this change varies from woman to woman. It can happen almost instantly or a couple of days after you have ovulated.
The Position Your Cervix at Conception and During Early Pregnancy
If you are lucky and conceived this cycle, your cervix should rise again and feel soft. The difference is the opening to your cervix will remain closed. The time it will take will vary. It can happen within 12 hours ovulating. It may not occur until long after receiving a positive pregnancy test.
If you are pregnant, your cervix position will rise higher into your vagina. It will be lower than if you were not pregnant, though. During these early weeks, your cervix will feel soft. A non-pregnant cervix will feel like a fruit that has not quite ripened all the way. The cervix is soft in pregnancy because it becomes swollen with blood.
Your cervix WILL rise when you are pregnant but there is no way to know when it will happen. Every woman is unique. Your body could be taking a bit longer to adjust. Many women find that their cervix doesn't rise during the first month of being pregnant. If you experience this, stay positive. Your body may need a few more days to adjust to being pregnant.
If you have concerns, consult with your doctor or OB/GYN.
Each woman is different, and the cervix has a mind of its own. Cervix position is not a good indicator of a successful conception.
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