Tag: About Pregnancy Tests

When Can I Take A Pregnancy Test and Get a Positive Result?
You are dying to know how long it will take for your pregnancy test will read positive. You’d love the answer today, but you are going to have to wait a while. Women who are trying to conceive call this awful waiting time the “two-week wait.” Unfortunately, pregnancy tests are not magic. You cannot take one the morning after you had sex and assume that it will be positive or negative. When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test? We are going to start with the timing of when to take a pregnancy test. 95% of women will get an accurate result if they wait until their period has not arrived. If you want accurate results, wait.The other when question women...
About Pregnancy Tests

Can Medication Affect Pregnancy Test Results?
All pregnancy tests look for the presence of a particular pregnancy-related hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG. This hormone is present in the blood and urine of all pregnant women and is the first step in acknowledging pregnancy. Different Types of Pregnancy Tests Blood-based pregnancy tests or home pregnancy tests will determine if you are pregnant. In most cases, a woman will conduct her urine test at home, and then after receiving a positive result will have a pregnancy blood test ordered by her doctor for further confirmation. However, not all urine tests are alike. Some have an increased sensitivity to hCG and can detect as little as 20 mIU of hCG within seven to ten days past ovulation....
About Pregnancy Tests

What to Expect with a Pregnancy Blood Test
Couples who are trying to get pregnant are frequently confused about how pregnancy blood tests are performed and what they mean. There are two main types of pregnancy tests – blood tests and urine tests. Both tests detect pregnancy by noticing a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which is also commonly called the ‘pregnancy hormone’ because it is created soon after the embryo has attached itself to the uterine lining in the womb. This hormone is easily measurable in the blood and urine within 10 days of fertilization, or 1 to 2 days after implantation has occurred. Two Types of Blood Tests A quantitative blood test measures the exact amount of hCG in the blood. Based on the results, the age...
About Pregnancy Tests

What Is a Beta Pregnancy Test?
Pregnancy tests are a massive industry, as women wonder after each cycle, whether they will be listening to that pitter-patter of tiny feet. Will it be this month? Next month? Do we need to start looking at infant car seats, or maybe pick up a few gender-neutral onesies on the way home from work? Are we comfortable growing and raising a tiny human being? Do we have what we need to be good parents? Will we be like our mom? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? This is exciting and terrifying at the same time. Your mind flits between desperately wanting to see a positive test result, and being desperately terrified that you might actually...
About Pregnancy Tests

How Soon After Conception Can I Take A Pregnancy Test?
When you are trying to get pregnant, you WANT to know as soon as possible. This article discusses how soon you can take a pregnancy test.
About Pregnancy Tests

Why Was My Home Pregnancy Test Positive, But My Blood Test Negative?
It can be extremely frustrating when your home pregnancy test is positive, but a blood test taken at your doctor’s office comes back negative. However, there are a few reasons why this would occur. Remember that all home pregnancy tests are roughly 97% accurate when they performed correctly. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health provides a few notes on how best to take a home pregnancy test: Choose your home pregnancy test wisely. Some have a lower sensitivity level than others. Lower sensitivity means that those tests will be able to detect hCG in your urine early on in your pregnancy. Before using a home pregnancy test, also check the expiration date and read...
About Pregnancy Tests

Is it Possible to be Pregnant if the Pregnancy Test is Negative?
The simple answer is yes but there are several reasons this may be the case. Article discusses the reasons why a false negative pregnancy test might happen.
About Pregnancy Tests

Can You Take Home Pregnancy Tests Before Missing a Period?
Most mothers-to-be today look at early detection as something immensely important. This is especially true for women who begin experiencing symptoms of pregnancy before missing their periods. However, how do you know whether you should wait to take a test or if you can take one before your period while still getting accurate results? Waiting Until After You've Missed a Period is Often Best Most drug stores today offer a wide variety of pregnancy tests that you can buy over-the-counter. Each might use a different method to help detect pregnancy, ranging from urinating into a cup and then dipping the stick in the urine to putting your urine into a special container with the use of an eyedropper and peeing...
About Pregnancy Tests
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