
Tag: Early Signs

Bird’s-Eye View of the First Trimester

Bird’s-Eye View of the First Trimester

  Congratulations on your pregnancy! If you’ve not been here before – or maybe even if you have – it’s helpful to know what’s coming. Here’s a look at what you can expect to experience for the next 14 weeks or so to come:   Week 3 and 4. At this point, you’re probably going to discover that you’re pregnant. High-sensitivity pregnancy tests like the ones at may be able to give you a positive result in as little as a week or 10 days after conception.   Week 4 through 6. This time period will include the official “first day you missed a period” milestone. If you haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet, chances are you will be...

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Tags: Early Signs
Cervix Position in Early Pregnancy - Reliable Indicator of Pregnancy?

Cervix Position in Early Pregnancy - Reliable Indicator of Pregnancy?

Cervix Position and Menstruation The position of your cervix will change through your monthly cycle and its position and cervical mucus consistency can determine your fertility. During menstruation, your cervix will descend to a low level. You can feel the firmness of your cervix is by inserting your middle finger into your vagina. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before you do this! During menstruation, your cervix should feel firm – like the tip of your nose. It will also be slightly open to allow the menstrual blood out.  Cervix Position and Ovulation During ovulation, your cervix will rise, and its texture will be softer – like to your lips. You might have a more difficult time reaching it around...

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Tags: Early Signs
Can Lower Back Pain be a Pregnancy Sign?

Can Lower Back Pain be a Pregnancy Sign?

 Back Pain as an Early Sign of Pregnancy When trying to get pregnant, you become acutely aware of how your body is feeling. Some women wonder if lower back pain can be a sign that you are pregnant. Considering the lifestyles we have, lower back pain is pretty common whether you are pregnant or not. It also isn't specific to women. Everyone ends up with back pain at some point or another. In very early pregnancy, there are much more reliable early pregnancy symptoms. Symptoms like mild cramping, fatigue, breast tenderness, having to pee ALL THE TIME, and nausea are better indicators that you may have successfully conceived this month. The most significant sign that you are pregnant will...

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Tags: Early Signs
Will My Body Temperature Go Down if I am Pregnant?

Will My Body Temperature Go Down if I am Pregnant?

Basal Body Temperature and Pregnancy Body temperature varies throughout different parts of a woman’s cycle. During the first couple of weeks of it, her temperature should be a bit lower than at other times. For example, it should be somewhere around 97-97.5 degrees. During ovulation, her body temperature should go up between .4 and .6 degrees. When she is pregnant, her body temperature will remain slightly higher than usual in this manner for the rest of the term. A drop in body temperature after ovulation can be indicative of a woman not having conceived. The easiest and most accurate way to monitor these changes is to monitor your resting temperature, also known as your basal body temperature. It should be...

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Tags: Early Signs