Natural Fertility Signs
Knowing your natural fertility signs can help you when it comes to conceiving. Many women are under the misconception that they can just get pregnant whenever they want. That is just not true. With conception, timing really is everything and in order to determine the correct timing to have sex, you need to be able to identify your natural fertility signs. Learning your fertility signs can make all the difference when planning to become pregnant. Cervical Mucus One of the best ways to determine whether you are fertile is to pay attention to your cervical mucus. Secreted by the cervix, your cervical mucus alters throughout your monthly cycle. Right after you have stopped menstruating, you will have a few days...
Natural Fertility Signs
Mittelschmerz - Ovulation Pain and Cramping - OH! The Pain!
Most women are fully aware that their period can come with pain and cramping, but what about the cramping (mittelschmerz) that occurs during the middle of your cycle, around the time of ovulation? About 1 in 5 women will experience ovulation related cramping, mittelschmerz, about two weeks before their period is due to start. For most women, this condition is associated with a sharp pain that diminishes into a dull ache. Mittelschmerz - What It Means The word, mittelschmerz, is German in origin and literally means: Mittle = Middle or Medium Schmerz = Pain It is a very accurate description of what is going on for some women - pain in the middle of your menstrual...
Am I Pregnant If My Positive Pregnancy Test Turned Negative The Next Day?
For many women, gathering up the courage to take a home pregnancy test is one of the most stressful experiences ever. There is nothing more devastating than to take a test one day and have a positive result only to take a second test the following day and get a negative result. Since home pregnancy tests are 97% accurate, the question about whether or not the individual is in fact pregnant is a valid one. Chemical Pregnancies and Early Miscarriages One of the most common reasons for a positive result one day followed by a negative result the following day is due to a chemical pregnancy, which is commonly known as an early miscarriage. According to Baby Centre, early miscarriages...
About Pregnancy Tests
Staying Encouraged while You’re Trying to Conceive
For many couples, the process of trying to conceive is stressful. It gets frustrating to try month after month, only to be disappointed. If we’re not careful, we can even turn the fun part of trying to conceive into a stressful chore. It’s not unusual for it to take time to conceive a child. Even if you time your fertility cycles perfectly, have sex regularly during your fertile period, and don’t happen to have any fertility issues, you only have about a 25% chance of becoming pregnant in any given month. So, you might as well relax and have fun with the process. The Relationship between Stress and Infertility Doctors believe that up to 30% of infertility cases are stress...
Getting Pregnant
How Often Should We Have Sex if We Want to Get Pregnant?
If you are planning to get pregnant, you may be wondering how often you need to have sex to accomplish this goal. Some couples trying to conceive think if they have sex every day, then they will undoubtedly get pregnant while others who are ttc believe that they should reserve sex for ovulation, so they know when they conceived. It's really up to you, but there are some methods you can use to help you get pregnant faster! Have Sex Frequently First of all, you should have frequent sex if you want to get pregnant. This is especially so if you are not charting your basal body temperature, luteal phase, or anything like that to know when you are...
Getting Pregnant
Negative Ovulation Test Results - When Should I Call The Dr?
Testing for ovulation can be frustrating when you never receive a positive result. There may be many reasons why you continue receiving negative ovulation tests results. Some of these problems you can eliminate on your own while others will need to be discussed with your doctor. Hormone Surge Can Happen Fast Many women only test for the hormone surge once per day for several days before ovulation is anticipated to happen. However, the hormone surge may occur within 10 hours, and if you tested before these 10 hours and then again afterward, even though you were checking once per day, you very well may have missed the hormone surge. The way to determine if this is the problem or...
How Do I Calculate When I Ovulate?
To get pregnant, you need to have sex at the right time during your cycle. You need to know when you will be ovulating so you can make sure the sperm will be there to meet the egg. Many women have a typical 28-day cycle, but not everyone does. Unfortunately, calculations based on this assumption could have you missing your fertile period if you are not part of the norm. You will need to calculate your cycle length. Calculating the Length Of Your Cycle You will need to keep track of when your period starts each month. Do not assume. Tracking the date for three or four months will give you the best estimate of when you ovulate. The length...
How Long After Ovulation Can You Take A Pregnancy Test?
You really want to know if you were successful getting pregnant this cycle but if you test too early, you may end up with an inaccurate result.
About Pregnancy Tests
Can Exercise Affect My Fertility?
For many women, there is a connection between how much they exercise and their fertility. Exercise can affect fertility in several ways. In most cases, exercise is a part of a regular healthy routine that can help a woman in all areas of her life, including fertility. If you are obsessive and hardcore about exercising and your body fat percentage drops too low, infertility and not health may be the outcome. Over-exercising is one of the more significant causes of infertility for women. If a woman exercises too much, she is at risk of losing too much of her body fat. Body fat plays an essential role in the production of estrogen. Without enough estrogen, a woman who over-exercises might...
Getting Pregnant
What Are The Chances of Getting Pregnant Soon After Giving Birth?
You have recently given birth and you are already wondering when you will be fertile again? You may have heard that you will not be fertile for a while after birth but that's not true. Many women have gotten pregnant within a couple of weeks of giving birth. You probably know of families with VERY closely spaced siblings. You can conceive again within a couple of weeks after giving birth, even if your period has not returned. Breastfeeding and Fertility There are many factors that come into play when getting pregnant again after having a baby is concerned. The most important factor is whether you are breastfeeding your newborn. Although it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, breastfeeding itself is...
Getting Pregnant
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