All About Cervical Mucus and Getting Pregnant

All About Cervical Mucus and Getting Pregnant

Quick Jump Menu:  What is Cervical Mucus? How Cervical Mucus Changes During Your CycleWhat Causes "Egg White" Cervical Mucus? Charting Your Cervical Mucus Changes to Determine Your Fertility Am I Infertile If I Have No Cervical Mucus? Causes of Low / No Cervical Mucus What is Hostile Cervical Mucus? Clomid, Hostile Cervical Mucus and Robitussin/Guaifenesin Cervical Mucus and Your Partner's Sperm How to Improve the Quantity and Quality of Your Cervical Mucus Cervical Mucus Supporting Supplements What is Cervical Mucus? Cervical mucus is a jelly-like substance produced by minute glands in the cervical canal. The mucus appears as a discharge throughout your cycle. You will notice it after you wipe when you go to the bathroom. As you get closer...

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No Implantation Bleeding - Should I Worry?

No Implantation Bleeding - Should I Worry?

Implantation bleeding is a very early sign that they are pregnant. If you don't have it, does it mean you are not pregnant?

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I See A Faint Line On My Home Pregnancy Test, Am I Pregnant?

I See A Faint Line On My Home Pregnancy Test, Am I Pregnant?

Wait! Is that a line?! Am I pregnant?! Click here to learn more about what causes faint lines on pregnancy tests and what they mean. Congrats!!

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EPO for PCOS (Evening Primrose Oil for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

EPO for PCOS (Evening Primrose Oil for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome who are trying to conceive are willing to do just about anything for the joyous occasion of seeing a positive pregnancy test.  Luckily, there are some relatively simple ways to get started treating your PCOS without any dangerous drugs or side effects. Keep in mind that PCOS should be treated and without treatment, serious long term health risks may occur. However, in the short run, there are a few ways to deal with the hormonal imbalance that may help rectify the PCOS and help you conceive. One option is EPO, evening primrose oil. This particular oil, when taken by women, can help balance the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the woman’s body. PCOS is...

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How Does The Cervix Change At Ovulation?

How Does The Cervix Change At Ovulation?

  Just as each woman’s body is unique, so too are their signs of ovulation. The cervix is the passageway into your uterus, and you can feel it change throughout your cycle. Checking on these changes can help you determine where in your cycle you are.  During different phases of your cycle, your cervix will behave differently. There are two main phases for the cervix – the infertile phase and the period where the cervix is approaching ovulation. Most women have a menstrual cycle of 28 days, but it is also reasonable to have anything from 21 to 35 days. Some women have irregular menstrual cycles, which can significantly affect their chances of conceiving. There are those who have more...

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Tags: Ovulation
Tips for Using the BabyHopes Online Ovulation Calculator

Tips for Using the BabyHopes Online Ovulation Calculator

BabyHopes Online Ovulation Calculator Did you know that we have an awesome ovulation calculator on our website? We can help you figure out when the best time to have sex to make getting pregnant possible. It's pretty easy to use. It will work for you if you: Have a menstrual cycle that is between 21 and 35 days long. Have a "normal" cycle. That means it is typically the same number of days long each month. Know when your last period started. Unfortunately, if you don't have the right cycle length or if your period is not normal, the calendar won't work well for you. For now, that is. Chances are you have a hormonal imbalance but we have help...

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Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant By Using Natural Remedies

Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant By Using Natural Remedies

Making the decision to try to have a baby is easy; the hard part is actually conceiving the child. Most people think it happens easily and for some it actually does, unfortunately, it does not go that smoothly for everybody. It can be extremely frustrating figuring out the length of your cycle or even pinpointing the exact date of ovulation. In addition, if you were on birth control, it may take a bit of time for your cycle to return to its natural state. As such, once you make the decision to have a baby the key principle you will need is patience as chances are you will be waiting for a while. Luckily, you can cut down this waiting...

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Natural Fertility Signs

Natural Fertility Signs

Knowing your natural fertility signs can help you when it comes to conceiving. Many women are under the misconception that they can just get pregnant whenever they want. That is just not true. With conception, timing really is everything and in order to determine the correct timing to have sex, you need to be able to identify your natural fertility signs. Learning your fertility signs can make all the difference when planning to become pregnant. Cervical Mucus One of the best ways to determine whether you are fertile is to pay attention to your cervical mucus. Secreted by the cervix, your cervical mucus alters throughout your monthly cycle. Right after you have stopped menstruating, you will have a few days...

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Mittelschmerz - Ovulation Pain and Cramping - OH! The Pain!

Mittelschmerz - Ovulation Pain and Cramping - OH! The Pain!

  Most women are fully aware that their period can come with pain and cramping, but what about the cramping (mittelschmerz)  that occurs during the middle of your cycle, around the time of ovulation? About 1 in 5 women will experience ovulation related cramping, mittelschmerz, about two weeks before their period is due to start. For most women, this condition is associated with a sharp pain that diminishes into a dull ache.   Mittelschmerz - What It Means The word, mittelschmerz, is German in origin and literally means:   Mittle = Middle or Medium Schmerz = Pain   It is a very accurate description of what is going on for some women - pain in the middle of your menstrual...

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Tags: Ovulation
Pregnancy Tests

Am I Pregnant If My Positive Pregnancy Test Turned Negative The Next Day?

For many women, gathering up the courage to take a home pregnancy test is one of the most stressful experiences ever. There is nothing more devastating than to take a test one day and have a positive result only to take a second test the following day and get a negative result. Since home pregnancy tests are 97% accurate, the question about whether or not the individual is in fact pregnant is a valid one. Chemical Pregnancies and Early Miscarriages One of the most common reasons for a positive result one day followed by a negative result the following day is due to a chemical pregnancy, which is commonly known as an early miscarriage. According to Baby Centre, early miscarriages...

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