How Long After A Miscarriage Should I Wait Before Trying To Get Pregnant Again?
Women who have been through a miscarriage normally fall into the group of females who really do want to be pregnant. For this reason, one of the most commonly asked questions after a miscarriage is how long the waiting period should be before trying to conceive again.
What is a Miscarriage?
Miscarriages are a lot more common than many people know, particularly as they can occur during the very early stages of pregnancy when a woman does not even know she is pregnant. These very early miscarriages are routinely called chemical pregnancies.
The official definition of a miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable. There are two main types of miscarriage: an early miscarriage occurs between conception and 12 weeks while a late miscarriage takes place between 12 and 24 weeks. It is referred to as a stillbirth if the child dies between 24 weeks and/or during the birth of the baby.
Does a Woman Have To Go To a Hospital?
Not necessarily; It depends on how far along she is with regards to the pregnancy. If a woman experiences a miscarriage in the very early stages of pregnancy, she might not even be aware that she was pregnant in the first place.
Normally women under 18 weeks are referred to their ob-gyn, while those who are more than 18 weeks into their pregnancy are generally sent straight to the maternity ward of their local hospital.
Depending on the type of miscarriage a woman has had, she will either be advised to let nature take its course, allowing her body to bleed naturally; be given medication to assist with disposing of the remains of the fetus, or be advised to go into surgery to ensure that her womb is ready for her next attempt.
How Long After a Miscarriage Should a Woman Wait?
How long a woman should wait before trying to conceive after experiencing a miscarriage is a question that is marred with controversy.
The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests waiting six months while other doctors and organizations encourage patients to wait as long as 18 months before attempting to get pregnant again.
However, there are those who go against this convention. According to WebMD, a recent study suggests that there is no reason why a woman should put off trying to getting pregnant after a miscarriage. Rather, the evidence suggests that the sooner a woman conceives after a miscarriage, the more likely her pregnancy will be successful.
Studies show that women who get pregnant within the first six months of a miscarriage are less likely to go through pregnancy-related problems or a miscarriage once more.
The return of your normal cycles, and therefore your chances of conception, depend a great deal on how far along you were when the miscarriage occurred. Ultimately, the best advice for any woman who is trying to conceive after a miscarriage is to speak to her doctor and trust her instincts.
She could feel as though it would be best to wait longer or try again – the decision is hers because it is her body after all.
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